How to add Custom Domain in Blogger if CNAME is deleted or removed

How to add Custom Domain in Blogger if CNAME is deleted or removed
How to add Custom Domain in Blogger if CNAME is deleted or removed

CNAME stands for Canonical Name, which is a type of DNS record used in website hosting. It’s used to point a domain or subdomain to another domain name, allowing for easier management of web addresses and redirection of traffic. In simpler terms, CNAME helps direct users from one domain to another while maintaining the original domain name in the browser’s address bar.

In your Blogger if you want to assign a custom domain but that domain was already hosted on another platform such as (WordPress, Hostinger, GoDaddy etc) your custom domain is going to save mode without giving to CNAMEs to add in your DNS record, then check these steps to find out CNAME’s for your custom domain

    How to add Custom Domain to Blogger?

    1. Log into

    2. Go to “Settings” in the left side panel and click on the Custom Domain under “Publishing“. Your domain will enter without giving you CNAME’s.

    3. Now under the “Permissions” section click on Invite more authors

    4. Enter the email to which you want to invite (For example enter your second Gmail account)

    5. Now log in with the invite’s email and accept the invitation

    6. Once an invitation is accepted, sign in back with your original account and change the access to Admin for the invitees’ account.

    7. Now both your accounts have the same admin access for your Blogger

    8. Sign in with the invitees email to Blogger and start adding the Custom domain and you will get the CNAMEs 


    How long does it take for changes to propagate?


    The propagation time for changes to DNS records can vary, but typically, it takes up to 48 hours for the changes to fully propagate across the internet. During this period, different DNS servers around the world updated their cached information to reflect the new settings.

    Here are a few factors that can affect propagation time:

    1.  TTL (Time-to-Live): The TTL value in your DNS records determines how long other DNS servers should cache the information. If you set a shorter TTL (e.g., 300 seconds), changes will propagate faster. However, longer TTL values (e.g., 86400 seconds) may delay propagation.

    2.  DNS Server Updates: Some DNS servers update more frequently than others. Major DNS providers tend to propagate changes faster due to their extensive networks.

    3.  Geographical Location: The location of the DNS server matters. Changes may propagate faster in some regions and slower in others.

    4.  Previous Cache: If a DNS server already cached the old records, it will take longer to update to the new ones.

    To check if your changes have propagated, you can use online DNS lookup tools or wait for the specified time. If you encounter issues after 48 hours, consider double-checking your DNS settings or contacting your domain registrar or hosting provider for assistance.

    How can I speed up the propagation process?

    To expedite the DNS propagation process, consider the following steps:

    1. Lower TTL (Time-to-Live): Reduce the TTL value in your DNS records. TTL determines how long other DNS servers cache the information. Shorter TTL (e.g., 300 seconds) means faster updates.
    2. Flush DNS Cache Locally:

    • On Windows, open Command Prompt and run: ipconfig /flushdns
    • On macOS or Linux, use: sudo dscacheutil -flushcache
    1. Use Google’s Public DNS or Cloudflare DNS:

    • Change your computer’s DNS settings to use Google’s (, or Cloudflare’s ( public DNS servers.
    1. Check DNS Propagation Tools:

    • Use online tools like “What’s My DNS?” or “DNS Checker” to monitor propagation progress.

    Remember, patience is key. While these steps can help, full propagation may still take up to 48 hours. 

    How do I change my computer’s DNS settings?


    Certainly! To change your computer’s DNS settings, follow these steps:

    1. Windows:

    • Open the Control Panel.
    • Go to Network and Sharing Center.
    • Click on your active network connection (e.g., Wi-Fi or Ethernet).
    • Click Properties.
    • Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
    • Click Properties again.
    • Choose Use the following DNS server addresses.
    • Enter the desired DNS server addresses (e.g., Google’s: and
    • Click OK to save the changes.
    1. macOS:

    • Open System Preferences.
    • Click on Network.
    • Select your active network connection (Wi-Fi or Ethernet).
    • Click Advanced.
    • Go to the DNS tab.
    • Add the desired DNS server addresses.
    • Click OK to apply the changes.
    1. Linux:

    The process varies by distribution. Generally: 

    • Edit the /etc/resolv.conf file.
    • Add lines like nameserver for Google DNS.
    • Save the file and restart networking services.

    Remember to restart your network connection or reboot your computer after making these changes. 

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